Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pictures - Take June 19th

Bush Green Beans!
Holy lettuce harvest.  These heads are from the kindergarten plot I have been helping to manage for the food bank.  Early in the season I planted a ton of lettuce that was donated by a friendly farmer, mostly to have something quick and easy to work with the kids.  They no longer are using the spot, as school has now gone into summer break, so I am clearing the plot to make way for hearty vegetables for the food bank.  I cleared about 10 heads this morning - some too small for a real harvest, but I need the space!

It's always best to harvest lettuce in the morning - It's when the lettuce taste best, because it is storing it's maximum amount of carotene - as the day warms up, the lettuce protects itself from the sun and heat by excreting this carotene and it's taste can become quite bitter.  For more lettuce details  - seeding, growing, soil and sun conditions, etc.

Here is what the plot at the house is looking like these days.....



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