Thursday, June 9, 2011


Today is June 9th, which means yesterday was June 8th - right?  I guess I don't associate icy precipitation with the month of June, but it is possible.  You hear about it in reference to tornadoes and hurricanes, but again you don't think of the state of Massachusetts as being a tornado and hurricane state.

The weather here has been quite unusual - I would think.  Just a couple of weeks ago, tornadoes ripped through Greenfield and last night we had a wicked bad storm; heavy rain, gum ball sized hail and the most amazing and nosy lightening I have ever heard.  Made me wish I was on the river at my folks place in North Carolina.  I have fond memories of beautiful thunderstorms while sitting on the screen porch of my family's river shack.

In garden news - it survived the storm.  In fact, I even had a chance to throw some organic fertilizer down just before the rain and I think that will give the garden plot in my yard here a good boost.

I have been harvesting arugula and lettuce every morning.  Some I am able to share with my coworkers which feels great and the rest I am having as a salad for lunch.  It's such an amazing feeling to eat what you grow.

The pepper and tomato plants I planted last week are starting to show some growth and the cucumber and squash plants I planted too early are bouncing back to life!  I planted them kind of close to other plants, so I am going to work this weekend on building trellis' for them.  I have heard of trellised cucumbers, now let's see if the squash is willing to climb as well.

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