Thursday, June 30, 2011

Special Delivery Day - Take One

Tonight's Dinner
Today was my first food bank delivery.  Earlier in the season, I was asked if I would like to manage the plot at the community garden that was for the use of the Monterey kindergarten and the local food bank.  I jumped at the chance, as I have always wanted to incorporate issues of food access into my farming/gardening work/education.

As soon as I was able to "break ground" at the (extra) plot, I snagged some potato seeds, lettuce and beet starts from my lovely farmer sweetie and had a planting day with the kids and staff of the kindergarten.  I have since planted scallions, zucchini, basil, yellow squash, carrots, collards and mustard greens.  The lettuce is the first to be ready for harvest and I wanted to clear those heads out to make way for winter squash, tomatoes, and a second round of additional herbs and lettuce.

I got up a bit earlier this morning, harvested around 30 heads of lettuce, washed and packed them away in plastic bags and after coffee and breakfast, headed to Great Barrington to drop the goods.  My plan was to leave the lettuce on the door step, as I had to be at work at the exact same time the food bank opened.  Thankfully, Dorothy and the other volunteers had shown up early and I was able to meet the people that will be distributing the food to throughout the rest of the season.  They were so grateful and it really helped me to feel like this tiny plot and a bit of work was going to help some families have access to fresh produce.

Next week I will be taking them yet more lettuce, perhaps some scallions, definitely some parsley and beets and maybe even some swiss chard!  The plot is flourishing; potato flowers have bloomed (there will be tons of potatoes!) and the carrots seem to be growing daily.

Potato Flowers!

Here's what's happening in my plot at the house;

Looks like a bean to me!

The Big Picture

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