Once the sun came out, I got to work. And SO much has changed in the garden.
I expanded the plot in my back yard by a couple of feet and made a rock and brick border.
What are those beautiful rows of green you ask;
Say hello to Arugula and Tatsoi - my two favorite cut greens. This is what I could start to see germinating when I posted last. They look a bit more established now and I was even able to weed and dig a bit in the dirt around them. I could be wrong, but I think in a couple of weeks, I will be opening my back door and harvesting some fresh greens!
And these fine beauties are beets! I am so excited about beets. I seeded these the same day I seeded my arugula and tatsoi. They have just begun to germinate - literally, overnight. There was nothing here yesterday when I checked around 5 pm. Maybe my beets are nocturnal or something. But they are so gorgeous and itty bitty. I can't wait.
There is also some germination and growing happening inside;
Across the street, things are moving along. I am starting to see peas germinate, which I was super worried about because the soil was so soggy when I planted them. I worked out there yesterday with a fellow gardener. She planted some lettuce and peas and I worked on a new walk way down the middle of my plot. I am using some reclaimed paving bricks from my back yard, toting them 9 to a bucket at a time - through the field, across the street and into the garden. I think I have about two trips to go. Oh! I also seeded a second succession of arugula there yesterday and did a bit of weeding. All in all, I think it looks great!
In closing, I have to say - I am loving this project more than I ever dreamed. I thought it would be a lot like work, the way I remember gardening as a child, being asked to weed and hating it. This go around, I am finding myself rushing home from work to play in my plot and waking up each morning excited to walk out the back door and find what's popping up, even if it is just a new weed to pull. My friends might say I am slightly obsessed and I don't care! I love this little garden!
Today's plan - build a compost area in my back yard and start drawing out the plan for the food bank plot - that's right....I am helping to organize the food bank/kindergarten plot in the community garden. So excited!